As you begin your new exercise regimen it is quite common to have mixed emotions, which can range the gamut from determination to fear. We all fall off the wagon sometimes and that is absolutely okay. Once you have committed yourself to the dietary and lifestyle changes, you will…
Read MoreI suffered from chronic daily headaches for about 8 years. The headaches were never terrible nor debilitating, but always present. It was as if I was in a constant state of fogginess. During medical school, I drank about 1 liter of diet soda every day while I studied. In residency,…
Read MoreOne of the most common causes of hand and wrist pain is a condition called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This condition is usually the result of the median nerve getting trapped and compressed in the carpal tunnel as it courses towards the hand. The carpal tunnel is a tunnel in…
Read MoreThe definition of organic is "relating to or derived from living matter". With regard to the food industry, the definition of organic is somewhat vague. Organic foods are "produced by methods that comply with standards of organic farming". The issue with this definition is that these standards are not in…
Read MoreLast week we discussed the importance of aerobic and anaerobic training and this week we will focus on the importance of incorporating strength training into your exercise regimen. Basically, there are several different categories of exercise: Isometric Exercises, Isotonic Exercises and Isokinetic Exercises. By combining the first two types…
Read MoreNumbness and tingling in the feet during exercise is a fairly common complaint I have come across during my years of treating patients. There are multiple etiologies for numbness, some of which are benign, and others that may indicate a more serious underlying issue. In this article we will…
Read MoreLast week we discussed the importance of avoiding aspartame and artificial sweeteners due to the numerous deleterious effects on our bodies. One of the issues we addressed was the potential for headaches due to the use of aspartame. However, this is only one of the myriad of triggers for headaches.…
Read MorePlantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot and heel pain. Typically this pain is located on the bottom of the foot just in front of the heel pad on the inner or middle side of the foot. The plantar fascia is a thick tendon that connects the heel bones…
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