Recommended Nutrition For Vegans?

Vegetarians are at risk for certain nutritional deficiencies if you are not careful about selecting nutrient dense foods for your diet.  It is common for vegetarians to be deficient in B12, zinc, calcium, iron and essential fatty acids.  In addition, sources of protein are more limited.

B12 is mainly found in animal products but may be found in fortified tofu and fortified cereals.  It is not always well absorbed and if you are feeling tired or fatigued often, it is a good idea to have your B12 level checked.  Low B12 levels are also associated with nerve pain, numbness and tingling of the hands and feet.   Some people have problems with B12 metabolism and may benefit from methyl-B12 which is one the active forms of B12 used in our bodies for multiple pathways.

Calcium does not need to be obtained from Dairy, and can be found in may fortified foods, or occurs naturally in collard greens, broccoli, edamame, kale, bok choy, figs, oranges and white beans.    Calcium is important for a multitude of functions in the body.  Just a few of roles that calcium plays is to help maintaining strong bones and teeth, nerve signal transmission, muscle relaxation and contraction, modulating hormonal release, maintaining a regular heart rate.

Zinc can be found in beans, legumes, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, kale, garlic, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, chia seeds, steel cut oats, and brown rice.  Zinc is important for proper immune system functioning.  It also plays a role in cell division, wound healing, cell growth and carbohydrate metabolism (breakdown).  Zinc is needed during pregnancy and childhood for proper growth.  In addition, Zinc is enhances the action of insulin.

Some recommendations for sources of protein for Vegans include:  Chia seeds,  pumpkin seeds, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, tahini, Spirulina, Chick Peas, almonds, oatmeal, hemp seeds, peas and eggs (if you eat these).

Fish is a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids (essential acids that the body cannot make), therefore, if you are not eating fish, it is important to supplement your diet with either fish oils  (if you will use these), walnuts, flaxseed, flax seed oil and leafy vegetables.  Omega three fatty acids play numerous roles in the body.  They are important for brain function, cardiac function, and are anti-inflammatory.

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