Shortness of Breath During Exercise


According to the American College of Sports Medicine, to attain the cardiac benefits from exercise, the exercise should be

  • At least 3 times per week for at least a 12 week duration
  • At least 30 minutes per session (can be broken up into 3 ten minute sessions)
  • Performed at an individual’s perceived intensity of 13-15 on a scale of 6-20 (the Borg Exertion scale) or at a level of “somewhat hard to hard”.

Some of the most common benefits of exercise include:

  • Improved exercise tolerance
  • When Exercise and Diet is combined:
    • Improved Lipid (fat) and Lipoprotein (fat/protein) levels
    • Decreased blood pressure
  • Stress Reduction
  • Improved Psychological well-being

One important question, especially among beginning exercisers and those returning to exercise after a long hiatus, is “Is this safe for me?

Certain risk factors increase the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes and it is important to be aware of these factors when deciding on your exercise regimen.   Some risk factors are modifiable and can improve with exercise and diet, while others are fixed risks. Some common risk factors are:

  • High Blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Diabetes
  • Elevated Cholesterol or abnormal lipid (fat) profile
  • Family history of heart disease or strokes
  • Smoking
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Abdominal Obesity

According to Dr. Baggish, the Associate Director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital, “ Everyone can do a form of exercise, if it is done carefully, with the supervision of a doctor”.  If you are starting and exercise regimen with a significant number of risk factors, it is important to first be evaluated by your Primary Care Physician or Cardiologist for clearance to begin an exercise regimen.   In general, it is important to “start low and go slow”.   Even just doing brisk walking does provide substantial improvement in overall health.


When beginning with an exercise regimen it is perfectly okay to try modifications first and increase your intensity as tolerated. Sudden start and stop exercises can put extra stress on the heart, especially if you are normally sedentary so it is important to all yourself a cool down period after exercising.

SYMPTOMS occurring during exercise that can require immediate attention are:

  • Left sided chest pain
  • Pain radiating into the jaw or down the left arm
  • Significant shortness of breath that does not quickly improve with rest
  • Dizziness
  • Sensation of an irregular heartbeat or pounding in the chest
  • Nausea or indigestion (usually Gastrointestinal related but can be a sign of heart issues)

In addition, if you suffer from chronic shortness of breath with minimal to no exertion, or from swelling in both legs, this can indicate issues with the hearts ability to pump.   It is important to note that individuals with diabetes, especially females, may not always have the “classic” symptoms for heart issues.   Vague complaints, flu-like symptoms and/or indigestion may be the only symptoms. Or you may have none at all.

If you suffer from any of the above listed symptoms, it is crucial to be evaluated to make certain that you are not putting your self at risk during exercise.

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