Janine’s Patient Review of Fusion IFM (Sept. 2024)

Our thanks to Janine for her thoughtful and detailed review of her health and treatment experience with Functional Medicine specialist Jessica Miller, MD, Practice Manager Mara, and our entire Fusion IFM team. Patient outcome and satisfaction are paramount to everything we do.

Excerpt (Google Review):

“I have been a patient of Dr. Miller‘s for over five years. I have a complicated medical history, including autoimmune, fibromyalgia and an array of chronic illnesses, which ended my career over 12 years ago.

I have been to every healthcare specialist, including conventional and holistic-minded doctors in New York and top-notch hospitals. While some offered relief, none of them ever really got to the root cause of my myriad issues. I was often recommended antidepressants and more prescriptions.

Dr. Miller did extensive bloodwork and left no stone unturned. She takes the time to listen carefully and spends an entire hour not only going over my medical history and any recent changes, but also listening to personal issues affecting my health, wellness and ability to heal.

Learn more about some of our Functional Medicine treatment specialties:

Because of Dr. Miller’s extensive experience, she does not hesitate to research everything, including any conventional medications and treatments, and will give her highly educated opinion. She is always learning and keeping up with the newest advances in not only Functional Medicine but also conventional medicine to stay informed and offer her patients the highest level of treatment.

I also attended a very informative wellness workshop with her Health Coach team consisting of Brianna and Cortney. It was a four-week series, and it included a wealth of information including dietary changes, gut health and more to encourage simple lifestyle changes to improve overall wellness.

Her team at Fusion IFM is so empathetic and truly treats every patient like family. I cannot say enough about her Practice Manager, Mara. From the first day I met her, she truly took an interest in knowing me personally and going above and beyond to always make sure she was available to help. Our visits always start and end with a hug, and I truly cannot imagine where I would be today without Dr. Miller and her staff.

Mara Munoz
Cortney Goodstadt, DPT, AFMHC

Honestly, it feels like I am talking to a friend, not my Doctor, and I feel the same way about her team, especially Mara.

Read more Fusion Patient Experiences

Today, I feel for the first time in many years, I have a better understanding of my conditions and what my triggers are and can address my issues with a plan put in place by Dr. Miller to keep me on the path to optimal health. I would highly recommend Dr. Jessica Miller and her team. I am extremely grateful for the excellent care and compassion I have received.”

We’d love to speak with you about your health and wellness goals and challenges. Call our friendly team at 732-631-4410 or click below to speak with our team or schedule a Free Fusion Discovery Session with our team:

Janine – September 2024 | Google Reviews | Read more Fusion patient reviews

Could Adrenal Fatigue Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

Your workout might be the reason you’re not losing weight.

By Cortney Goodstadt, DPT, AFMHC, Fusion IFM Health Coach

When it comes to losing weight, the intensity of your workout might be working against you, especially if you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue. This condition involves an imbalance in hormones produced by the adrenal glands, such as cortisol, which can hinder your weight loss efforts and even lead to weight gain.

Understanding Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue occurs when you have a prolonged period of excessive cortisol. The prolonged excess cortisol eventually downregulates the brain’s signaling to the adrenal gland. This results in decreased cortisol production, leading to hormone imbalances that affect your body’s ability to manage stress, energy and metabolism.

Symptoms include feeling constantly run down, brain fog, poor sleep quality, salt cravings–and unexplained weight gain, particularly around the belly. If these signs sound familiar, your overtaxing exercise regime could be the culprit.

Why High-Intensity Workouts Can Stall Weight Loss

High-intensity workouts–running, cardio boot camps, CrossFit or competitive sports seem like the key to maximum weight loss, but if your HPA (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal) axis is disrupted, these exercises can increase cortisol production. In a healthy body, this helps manage energy levels. However, if your cortisol levels are already imbalanced, your body may start storing fat instead of burning it—especially in the abdominal area. This can lead to a frustrating cycle where the more you work out, the more weight you gain.

Learn more about the Functional Medicine supplements, tests and products curated and endorsed by Fusion IFM:

The Right Exercise for Adrenal Health

Low-impact activities are often better for those with adrenal fatigue. Walking for an hour or more at a leisurely pace can help your body recover and gradually return to a state where it can effectively burn fat again. Other beneficial exercises include yoga, which helps reduce stress, water aerobics, which is gentle on the joints and light strength training, which can build muscle without stressing your system.

Listen to Your Body

A good rule of thumb for adrenal fatigue sufferers–if you work out and still feel energy-depleted 30 minutes or more later–you have gone too hard. This is a sign that you are not doing the right kind of workout for your body. Rather than pushing through the over-exertion and demanding your body exercise again, do the opposite and give it a rest.

Remember, the goal of exercise should be to boost your energy levels and overall well-being. If a workout leaves you feeling depleted, it’s a sign that your routine needs to be adjusted.

Personalized Functional Health Support for Your Fitness Goals

Finding the right real-life fitness balance is essential for optimal health. No one knows your body better than you do. If something doesn’t feel right when you workout, it probably requires professional guidance to help identify the issue and help to avoid injury and possible medical complications.

As a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach with a lifelong devotion to fitness, I would be happy to meet with you and determine the ideal fitness strategy for your life today and in the future. Contact me at 732-631-4410 or click below to schedule your no-fee Discovery Consultation:

*This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used in place of an individualized healthcare visit.

Fusion’s July Newsletter is Here!

Our Functional Medicine experts offer all the Integrative Medicine tools you need for a healthier New Jersey summer!

This month, Dr. Jessica Miller and her dedicated Fusion IFM team highlight essential practices for men to enhance prostate health, emphasizing the significant impact of diet, particularly refined sugar, on prostate function. By integrating these Functional Medicine strategies, men can take proactive steps to improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of prostate-related diseases. Check out our July newsletter:

We also delve into the importance of making informed daily lifestyle choices, combining integrative treatments with traditional medicine for a holistic approach to health.

Our Certified Functional Health Nutritionist and Health Coach Brianna Manginelli is sharing a delicious Brussels Sprouts Salad recipe featuring a creamy tahini dressing that will be perfect for your summertime entertaining. This refreshing dish is perfect for summer gatherings and adds a nutritious boost to your diet.

Certified Health Coach Cortney Goodstadt provides valuable advice on reducing exposure to environmental toxins, a crucial aspect of maintaining long-term health. With a special promo code for discounts on Designs for Health products and a link to schedule a free Discovery Session, the newsletter is packed with resources and actionable steps to help you lead a healthier, fuller life. Dive into these expert tips and discover how Integrative and Functional Medicine can transform your health journey.

We’d love to meet you and learn more about your personal health challenges and goals. Call our practice manager, Mara Munoz, at 732-631-4410 or email us at info@fusionifm.com to learn more about Fusion’s holistic health services and review some of the conditions we treat here: https://fusionifm.com/services/

Thrive in a Toxic World: Your Guide to Reducing Environmental Toxin Exposure

Fusion IFM certified Health Coach Cortney Goodstadt provides real-world guidance to minimize daily toxin exposure.

By Cortney Goodstadt, DPT, AFMHC

Take a moment and think about our food supply, the products you use to clean your home, the products and cosmetics you place on your skin, and the general environment and air that you breathe in your home and office.

If you’re like me, you might feel a little disgusted now. Furthermore, you may be struggling with health issues due to toxin exposure and not even realize the symptoms. It is essential to understand the specific toxins we commonly encounter and how to remedy the exposure to live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Humans create many environmental toxins, but others occur naturally in the environment–


Man-Made Toxins                   Naturally Occurring Toxins

Phthalates                                             Mercury

BPA                                                        Formaldehyde

Pesticides                                              Cadmium





These toxins have four distinct entry methods into the body:

  • Skin
  • Inhalation
  • Digestion
  • Injection

Once encountered, the body has various ways of handling or metabolizing the objectionable toxin. This reaction often varies, depending on how long you have been exposed to the noxious substance.

Brief or mild environmental toxin exposure

Being exposed to toxins for a short period of time can have somewhat negative, yet in the scheme of life, mild consequences. These may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Cough and sneezing
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin irritation
  • Throat and nose irritation

Long-term toxic environment exposure

Long-term exposure to toxins is incredibly unhealthy. Many short-term effects of exposure begin to take hold and can present as complex and more serious physical conditions. As exposure continues, the damage it causes can result in chronic disease and have permanent physical effects.

Toxins can affect the body by disrupting the endocrine system and can become carcinogenic. Those toxins that disrupt the endocrine system interfere with the body’s ability to produce hormones and participate in cell signaling. This can negatively affect the reproductive, immune, and neurological systems.

Additionally, it may alter a person’s behavior and personality. In children, it can cause issues with development. Possible effects may include (but are not limited to) obesity, aggressive behavior, hormone-dependent cancers such as breast and prostate, infertility, early-onset puberty, low sperm and testosterone, increased risk of diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, lung cancer, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders.

READ: “Five Reasons You Need a Functional Health Coach”

Actionable steps for environmental toxin protection

As a mom and health coach, I am shocked by this information and want to educate others on making simple yet actionable lifestyle changes to affect your health and save our planet. Here are some things that you can do to make a difference.

Here are simple and achievable action items to reduce everyday toxins and protect yourself and your loved ones:

1. Reduce exposure as much as possible to decrease your risk of adverse health effects.

2. Remove toxins from your home and your skin:

  • Use green cleaning products (be aware that some products that market themselves as “toxic-free” or “clean” are not! Read the labels.)
  • Replace candles and air fresheners with essential oils.
  • Add plants to your home to create cleaner air.
  • Use natural skincare and makeup.
  • Replace non-stick cookware.
  • Avoid using the microwave whenever possible.
  • Reduce the use of plastics.
  • Leave footwear outside or by the entrance to your home.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce mildew or mold.
  • Consider an air purifier.
  • Filter and remineralize drinking water.

3. Remove toxins from your diet:

  • Reduce refined seed and vegetable oils.
  • Eliminate foods stored in plastic as they may disrupt hormone function.
  • Eliminate foods with trans fats.
  • Eat organic foods whenever possible.
  • Avoid buying and consuming sugar-laden foods and beverages.
  • Eat certified organic and grass-fed meats and wild-caught fish.
  • Eliminate processed foods.

READ: “Harness the Healing Powers of Grounding”

Reducing environmental toxins: Committing to living safer and disease-free

While it is difficult and nearly impossible to live a full, toxic-free lifestyle — as the air we breathe is full of pollutants —choose to make small changes to minimize toxins you can control in daily life.

Unfortunately, in traditional health and wellness, environmental toxins are an overlooked piece of the wellness puzzle, but our Fusion IFM team is dedicated to helping our patients live as toxin-free as possible in today’s world.

Allow me to help lead the way as you build a healthier future for you and your family.

Let’s get started!


To learn more about improving and protecting your lifelong health, schedule a Free Discovery Session with Cortney or one of our certified functional medicine health coaches. Learn more about the conditions we treat here: https://fusionifm.com/services/.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used in place of an individualized healthcare visit.

Patient Review: Fusion Functional Medicine Services

We are deeply appreciative when our patients take the time and effort to leave a review about our Functional Medicine services on Google and other patient satisfaction sites. Last week, we were delighted to receive this review from Jane, who has been with us since 2020.

Read more Patient Reviews here:


Jessica Miller, MD

I have been working with Dr. Jessica Miller since 2020 and I fully believe in the value of functional medicine and having a dedicated practitioner who will spend a full hour following up with you – not something you will find with most primary care physicians practicing conventional medicine.

Functional medicine provides a different approach in that it looks for root causes of disease instead of treating symptoms. Instead of putting a band-aid over the problem, Dr. Miller will use her extensive knowledge to suggest the underlying mechanism for the symptoms and will then prescribe targeted therapies to address the imbalances that may be present.

If you’ve been through the conventional medical system and have seen numerous doctors and haven’t made any progress with your health, I would fully recommend seeking out an alternative approach and seeing if Dr. Miller and her team can help.

Dr. Miller combines her passion for functional medicine with empathy and compassion for her patients, as she seeks to support the health of the whole individual. In between appointments with Dr. Miller, there is the option of meeting with a health coach in more frequent intervals to make sure you are staying on track with your health goals.

A health coach can be helpful to address any specific, smaller concerns such as questions about supplements or alternatives, questions about specific exercises, or even certain foods or diets. For me this has been a great experience.

Cortney Goodstadt, DPT, AFMHC

Health Coach Cortney Goodstadt has a calm and centered approach and a determination to bring unique solutions to each individual patient and meeting with her helps me feel on track with my health goals and makes me feel like I have a constant supporter in my corner who is rooting for me to take care of myself every day.

She will listen to your concerns and do research after your appointment to bring you suggestions on everything:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Supplements
  • Emotional/mental support
  • Gathering patient-specific resources

Cortney is invaluable to discussing what health strategies worked, so I can continue to feel better and get stronger.

READ: “Five Reasons Why You Should Work with a Functional Health Coach” By Cortney Goodstadt

The great thing about functional medicine is that it grows with you. It is directed by your health goals and what are your most bothersome symptoms. They will start from there and begin the work of suggesting possible ways to improve your health and your life. Supplements are just one part of functional medicine and they can be highly supportive in many cases. But they aren’t the only healing modality that will be suggested to you.

I also like that you can pause your appointments at any time. The functional medicine practitioners, doctors and health coaches will not do the work for you – it’s up to you to use the resources they suggest, work on your health every day.

This is a very different approach and it’s important for people to understand that taking care of yourself is a lot of work–and it’s ultimately up to you. Having Dr. Miller and health coaches like Cortney to support me in my health journey has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Jane Frank |  Fusion IFM Google Review  |  May 2024

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used in place of an individualized healthcare visit. Read more Fusion Patient Reviews here:

5 Reasons Why You Need a Functional Medicine Health Coach

By Cortney Goodstadt, DPT, AFMHC

If you’ve been on a journey to reclaim your health, you’ve likely encountered various approaches and professionals. From conventional doctors to alternative practitioners, the options can be overwhelming. Working with a Functional Medicine Health Coach can offer a unique and comprehensive list of integrative health benefits. Below, I’ve outlined five essential reasons why health coaching, particularly with someone specially trained in functional medicine, could be the missing piece in your holistic health puzzle.

1. Personalized Guidance Tailored to You

Imagine having a knowledgeable ally by your side, guiding you through the intricate maze of health optimization. With a health coach, specifically one trained in functional medicine, you gain 1:1 personalized health optimization guidance and recommendations tailored to your bio-individual body’s needs. This personalized approach ensures that you receive targeted guidance, maximizing the effectiveness of your health journey.

2. Cost-Effective Prevention

In today’s healthcare landscape, prevention is not just preferable, it’s often more cost-effective than treating illness once it arises. By addressing the root causes and underlying factors at play for symptoms or disease, you can avoid costly medical interventions in the future.

3. Enhanced Quality of Life

For people grappling with chronic conditions, like gut health issues or autoimmune disorders, improving quality of life is paramount. Functional Medicine Health Coaches possess a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the body, allowing them to address all facets of your health history. By piecing together the intricate puzzle of your health, we empower you to make targeted lifestyle changes that positively impact your well-being for the short- and long-term.

4. Sustainable Results

Unlike quick-fix band-aid solutions that provide temporary relief, a health coach equips you with the knowledge and tools for lasting change to protect your health against future disease risks. By elucidating the “why” behind your health struggles and crafting a sustainable plan, we empower you to take ownership and control of your health journey, rather than leaving it in the hands of traditional medicine.

5. Holistic Well-Being Optimization

Finally, a Functional Medicine Health Coach goes beyond symptom management to strengthen overall well-being. We promote vitality and resilience by focusing on controllable lifestyle factors that support healing rather than merely masking symptoms. With increased energy, reduced inflammation, and enhanced vitality, you’ll experience a newfound appreciation for the gift of good health. From personalized guidance to sustainable results, our goal is to provide you with the ammunition to defend your health for life! 

Why We Could All Use a Health Coach (Jane Brody – NYT)

Call 732-631-4410 or email info@fusionifm.com to schedule a free discovery session with certified health coach Cortney Goodstadt.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used in place of an individualized healthcare visit.